Hispacold announces it has achieved the highest quality assurance rating offered by certification body IRIS (ISO/TS 22163) – the recently created Silver level – after renewing its IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard) certificate for performance quality.

The rating system aimed to ensure compliance with international standards of quality and was developed in response to a growing demand for reliablity and for quality capacity management in the rail sector. 

«The prestigious Silver rating means that Hispacold has proved itself capable of complying with the highest performance quality benchmarking standards in the international rail industry», Hispacold says. 

The bus, coach and vehicle air-conditioning systems manufacturer points out that it «has increased its rating from Bronze to Silver after a successful audit by IRIS during the renewal of its certification. In achieving Silver, the highest quality performance level, only introduced in 2020, Hispacold has demonstrated that it can meet the most stringent and respected rail industry standards. 

In 2016, Hispacold gained its first certification from IRIS (International Railway Industry Standard), a quality assurance rating system for performance, initiated by UNIFE (The European Rail Industry) and backed by the major rail operators, manufacturers and system integrators. The rating system aimed to ensure compliance with international standards of quality and was developed in response to a growing demand for reliablity and for quality capacity management in the rail sector. 


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