Battery analytics software company Twaice is expanding its test facilities as the demand for advanced battery analytics grows. The new lab was officially opened on Thursday. It allows EV battery tests at temperatures from -20 to 80°C. The company has recently signed a deal with telematics Dutch enterprise ViriCiti in order to deliver comprehensive battery analytics for electric bus fleets.

twaice battery laboratory

Twaice opens a new laboratory for battery optimization

The Munich-based company has added hundreds of test channels and several temperature chambers for battery cells and modules to their equipment range. Over the last few months, the battery experts have installed test modules, cell holders, cooling units in their new onsite battery laboratory. The lab was officially a few days ago by Hubert Aiwanger, the Bavarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Economic Affairs.

twaice battery laboratory

Twaice’s on-premises battery laboratory in Munich augments the existing measuring channel capacity at partner institutes. The goal of the expansion is to further increase delivery speed to the customer. In the new battery laboratory, EV batteries can be tested and simulated at temperatures from -20 to 80°C. The behavior of diverse battery types and chemistries can be analyzed under currents of several hundred amp, enabling the Twaice software to be calibrated at lightning speed, the German company points out.

Twaice’s battery analytic software has the target to accelerate the transition to electrification by optimizing batteries in electric vehicles and other utilizations.

twaice battery laboratory

Twaice new battery lab: focus on energy transition

“Batteries are becoming increasingly important, not only to electromobility, but also to the energy transition, where powerful solutions are required for the storage of renewable energy. This is why Bavaria needs innovative companies like Twaice, who invest in this field, acquire the knowhow and use it to provide strong impetus. The Bavarian State Government actively supports battery technology within a high-tech framework and strengthens existing research programs,” said Aiwanger.

“Our customers really appreciate us as the one-stop-shop for battery analytics, powered by the combination of battery expertise and scalable software,” said Twaice founder and managing director Dr Michael Baumann. “The Twaice battery laboratory enables us to produce quick test data and calibrate our software to electric, thermal and aging behavior patterns.”

twaice battery laboratory

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