Yutong dealer in the UK Pelican has been awarded a zero emission vehicle contract by Carmarthenshire County Council. They are set to be used for the TrawsCymru route. The vehicles are planned to be delivered in Q3/4 2022.

Yutong electric buses for Carmarthenshire

The vehicles will have a number of state of the art specification items to ensure customer safety and comfort. The vehicles will be fitted with enhanced seating, as well as full air conditioning.  Full WIFI, USB charging, and the very latest level passenger information systems will ensure that passengers arrive at their destinations in a level of comfort not normally seen in bus operations. The vehicles will also be fitted with industry leading safety systems, including ABS and Yutong Electric Safety Systems.

Charging infrastructure is already in progress, and the vehicles will be the first electric buses in the UK capable of charging at 240kWs per hour, allowing rapid recharging.

Ian Downie, Head of Yutong Bus UK commented “We are absolutely delighted and honoured to have successfully awarded this prestigious contract by Carmarthenshire County Council. The specification that they have stipulated will be unique within the UK, and takes passenger comfort levels to the next level. These quiet, zero emission buses will be making a significant impact to air quality in South West Wales.”

Stephen Pilliner, Head of Transportation and Highways at Carmarthenshire County Council commented we are delighted to be working with Wales Government and Transport for Wales on this vanguard project for South West Wales. The Ultra Low emission buses will be used on the Traws Cymru Carmarthen to Aberystwyth services and will provide passengers with a modern service that will decarbonise transport and provide an attractive public transport option for customers.   


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