Hydrogen industry come together (digitally) on 20-24 June at “WHTC 2021 together with f-cell+HFC”
Research, mobility, industry: The areas of application and many possibilities for hydrogen are growing from year to year. From June 20 to 24, 2021, the international hydrogen and fuel cell industry will meet for the 9thbiannual World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC) to exchange views about scientific innovations, market developments and production possibilities. WHTC 2021 will […]

Research, mobility, industry: The areas of application and many possibilities for hydrogen are growing from year to year. From June 20 to 24, 2021, the international hydrogen and fuel cell industry will meet for the 9thbiannual World Hydrogen Technologies Convention (WHTC) to exchange views about scientific innovations, market developments and production possibilities.
WHTC 2021 will be held in corporation with the annual Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Event as “WHTC together with f-cell+HFC” and is graciously sponsored by Cummins, HTEC, Ballard Power Systems, Canada’s Trade Commissioner Service, Chart Industries, Hydro-Québec and Hydrogen Optimized. Due to the pandemic, the co-event will take place digitally. International participants will have a chance to take part in numerous sessions and workshops as well as opportunities to exchange ideas and network. Register at https://hyfcell.com/.
WHTC 2021 and f-cell+HFC: pre event on 17 June
A free pre-event workshop titled “Global Trade in H2 and H2 Products” will be held online on June 17, 2021. The pre-event is the first German-Canadian event since the signing of an energy partnership between Canada and Germany in March this year.
Discussion will include the current challenges in international hydrogen supply chains, innovations in hydrogen processing and hydrogen energy applications. Investment conditions and business opportunities for hydrogen and fuel cell technology will also be examined. The pre-event was initiated by the Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA), NRCan (Natural Resources Canada) and BMWi (German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy).
R&D meets business and marketing
The international hydrogen event, which was planned to take place in Montréal, Québec, will be hosted digitally this year – a first for WHTC. Local and international participants will have the opportunity to present their technical findings and advances in hydrogen and fuel cell technology at the WHTC 2021. The scientific program was assembled based upon a call for abstracts by Pierre Benard of the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, and François Girard of the National Research Council Canada. The speakers and several hundred participants from around the world include academic researchers and industry representatives.
The f-cell+HFC event, which will take place in parallel with 16 workshops, will focus on market applications and projects like the 88-megawatt water electrolysis system that Thyssenkrupp is installing for Hydro-Québec in Canada. Experts from Thyssenkrupp Uhde Chlorine Engineers and Hydro-Québec will present this project on June 21st in the workshop “Hydropower for Hydrogen”.
WHTC 2021 and f-cell+HFC: Canada in the spotlight
During the conference, participants can choose between many simultaneous workshops, sessions and lectures. Topics will include production, distribution and transport, possible applications in traffic, and storage options for hydrogen. Each day will begin with a two-hour presentation on country-specific conditions. Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, the Honourable Seamus O’Regan Jr, will be the first speaker: He will open the conference and highlight the role of hydrogen in Canada. On the second day, plenary presentations will focus on North America as a whole, while the third day will deal with the role of hydrogen in the rest of the world.
With this year’s event “WHTC 2021 together with f-cell+HFC,” the organizers have brought innovative technologies and international markets together with scientific research and business cases.
Website, social media and images

Further information on the event is available on the website https://hyfcell.com/ and on LinkedIn @WHTC2021 and Twitter @Hyfcell_Canada. The official hashtag is #WHTC2021. Images are available at https://hyfcell.com/press.
About the organizers
WHTC is held under the auspices of the International Association for Hydrogen Energy (IAHE). IAHE is the leading global forum for the development of hydrogen energy and fuel cell technologies. It supports and sponsors international workshops and conferences. More on this at https://iahe.org/ .
The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (CHFCA) is a coalition of representatives from industry, academia, government agencies, financial organizations and other stakeholder groups. CHFCA supports advanced hydrogen and fuel cell technologies and products to address our world’s most critical energy challenges. Learn more at http://www.chfca.ca/ and on Twitter @PoweringNow.
Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH (PSA) has been serving the international hydrogen and fuel cell community since 2001. In addition to creating trade conferences such as f-cell Stuttgart and f-cell+HFC as platforms for networking, knowledge and technology transfer, PSA also organizes “Made in Germany” booths at major international events, helping German companies enter new markets. Learn more at https://f-cell.de/ and https://messe-sauber.eu/ .