Ten Solaris Trollino Metrostyle are being delivered to Arnhem (Netherlands)
Deliveries of the 10 Metrostyle Trollino ordered from Solaris in September 2022 have begun in Arnhem, the Netherlands. On January 23, 2024, the first one, numbered 5275, arrived in the Dutch city and was immediately deployed on the Arnhem-Oosterbeck-Wageningen line 352. As far as Oosterbeck, the new trolleybuses will travel under the two-wire line and […]

Deliveries of the 10 Metrostyle Trollino ordered from Solaris in September 2022 have begun in Arnhem, the Netherlands.
On January 23, 2024, the first one, numbered 5275, arrived in the Dutch city and was immediately deployed on the Arnhem-Oosterbeck-Wageningen line 352. As far as Oosterbeck, the new trolleybuses will travel under the two-wire line and then continue in autonomous operation for an impressive 12 kilometers, out of a total line length of 17 kilometers, to the Wageningen bus station, a distance that can be traveled without infrastructure thanks to the vehicles’ special battery power of 90 kWh.
The percentage of the route in autonomous running is calculated at 75 percent. In a second phase, the line will be extended from Wageningen to Ede, at which point the trolleybus will travel as much as 82 percent of the line in autonomous running.
Very busy is the operating schedule of Line 352, which runs from 5 a.m. to 0:20 a.m. (about 1:20 a.m. on Saturdays), with frequencies of 10 minutes during peak hours, 15 during soft hours, and 30 during early morning and evening runs. The line runs with varying times depending on the time slot from 31 to 38 minutes. Assuming a time-turn of 90 minutes, the line could be served entirely by trolleybuses, 9 on the line and one in reserve. During soft hours, the time – turn could be 75 minutes, with rides every 15 minutes and 5 trolleybys on the line.
Metrostyles by Solaris, in detail
The Metrostyles are powered by a 240 kW motor and have three doors for passengers to board and alight. In particolare, la disposizione interna prevede la presenza di due stalli per sedie a rotelle e soluzioni all’avanguardia come le porte USB per dispositivi mobili, la videosorveglianza, la climatizzazione, e il sistema Mobileye Shield+ ; il sistema utilizza avvisatori acustici e luminosi che avvertono il conducente della presenza di angoli ciechi del veicolo o di eventuali ostacoli. Cameras will also replace the traditional rearview mirrors, with interior screens providing an excellent view of the driver in all situations.
By the middle of this year all trolley buses, numbered 5275 to 5284 will be in service in Arnhem.