New, electric sap for road transport in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India. On the occasion of the Asian country’s 75th anniversary, Prime Minister Narendra Damodardas Modi officially handed over 75 units of Foton electric buses to Uttar Pradesh. This is part of the central government’s efforts to promote “FAME-II” and “AMRUT,” two campaigns that aim to facilitate the application and production of hybrid and electric vehicles and improve smart city construction.

All 75 Foton electric buses have been assembled locally and each can be fully recharged in just 25 minutes, being then able to travel 170 kilometers in full autonomy. Their operation and use. is expected to make a huge positive impact on the local environment.

Foton for sustainable mobility

According to Foton, as written by BusWorld, the 75 units of electric city buses are only a small part of the purchases by the Indian government; with the completion of the construction of key infrastructure, such as charging stations, the new buses represent the first batch of deliveries in India: a total number of 700 units of Foton’s signature electric buses will soon be in operation in Uttar Pradesh to provide greener and more convenient travel services for passengers in Lucknow, Kanpur, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Ghaziabad, Jhansi and other territories.

As one of the pioneers in the new energy bus industry, Foton has a number of well-proven advanced technologies and a wide spectrum of green vehicles powered by electricity, hydrogen fuel cells or hybrid energy.


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