Since the launch in 2018, Sustainable Bus has been putting lots of focus and efforts in telling about evolution and innovation in the alternative drive bus segment (nomen omen). The concept behind this is that we’d like our readers to feel ‘at home’ while visiting our pages. Putting a spotlight on alternative drive buses mean giving the deserved attention to an industrial landscape that is changing fast. And, in the same time, offering a tool that may help professionals from public transport operators, OEMs, suppliers, consultings, utilities, institutions, keep the pace with the evolution of the sector.

But it would be short-sighted to concentrate on one piece without looking at the whole. And indeed, our scope can’t be limited to buses. Digitalization, MaaS, on-demand transportation, just to name some, are further huge trends that are going to have a huge impact on the ‘shape’ of public transport offer and mobility behaviors.

It is indeed the whole world of mobility that is changing. And that is why we feel the need to complement the Sustainable Bus media, already enriched by social platforms, weekly newsletter, magazine and events, with a new proposal that aims to look beyond the borders of the segment. This is the raison d’être of Next Stop, a new weekly newsletter, out every Friday, which as of today constitutes a further piece of our editorial production. 

In Next Stop (HERE THE NEWSLETTERS’ ARCHIVE) we’ll be mixing things we wrote, valuable things we read, contents that we feel willing to share. Wishing you may enjoy it!


JOST BusLink: on a mission to enhancing articulated buses

Authored and sponsored by JOST Articulated buses are a feature of many cities around the world. They are used on routes with high passenger numbers and are the only solution for cities without urban rail transport or with mountainous topography. The manufacturing of articulated buses is demanding du...

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