Consip (the central purchasing department of the Italian public administration) has awarded the framework agreement for the supply of CNG-powered buses for central/local governments and public transport companies. The winners were Scania (Italscania), Industria Italiana Autobus, Iveco and Otokar.

The Framework Agreement will have a duration of 18 months (possibly extendable by an additional 6), while the contracts signed by the administrations will have a duration of 10 years. The contract is scheduled to be activated in July.

In the details of the awards, the first lot of 17,662,700.00 euros went to Iveco Spa. The second, from 26,624,565.00, again Iveco but also to Industria Italiana Autobus Spa and Otokar Europe Sas. The same was true for the third and fourth lots, of 53,642,706.67 and 18,486,331.67 euros, respectively. The fifth lot has not yet been awarded, while the sixth (from 31,181,410.00) went to IIA and the seventh (the largest, from 121,260,727.50 euros) to Iveco Spa and Otokar Europa Sas. Finally, the eighth, from 47,959,300.00 euros to Italscania Spa.

The initiative makes available more than 1,000 vehicles of different sizes (including more than 800 powered by CNG compressed methane and about 200 powered by LNG liquid methane) that PAs will be able to purchase using the resources of the Complementary Fund to the PNRR earmarked for the purchase of buses used for suburban and suburban public transport (Ministerial Decree on Sustainable Infrastructure and Mobility No. 315 of 02/08/2021).

The advantages of using the framework agreement include the opportunity to have multiple suppliers, significant breadth of range, high customization of supply based on one’s needs with colors, liveries, additional equipment for the driver’s seat and passenger compartment, on-board devices in use for LPT, Driver Assistance Systems.ADAS, anti-Covid measures, passenger safety devices or use of full service maintenance.


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