RATP‘s charging infrastructures in Paris will be provided by the Polish consortium Ekoenergetyka-Polska and El-Cab. The companies won a tender for delivering at least 62 charging stations for electric buses to RATP (Régie Autonome des Transports Parisiens). The agreement is in force for two consecutive years with an option for extension for another 12 months. The total amount of the contract is up to 50 million euros.


RATP towards full electric fleet in Paris by 2025

Paris is targeting to convert the whole fleet (4,700 buses) to electricity by 2025. RATP’s fleet already has 800 hybrid vehicles, 140 bio-GNV and 74 electric buses. In March RATP signed a contract with Heuliez Bus for an order of electric buses GX Elec for an amount ranging from between 5 to 10M € over 2 years. Also Bollorè Bluebus electric buses have been ordered. The contract with RATP is the first signed by Ekoenergetyka on French market. 


At least 62 stations for night charging

Ekoenergetyka, as reported in a press release from the company, will deliver at least 62 chargers with the minimum output power of 50 kW each, which will be customized following RATP requirements. All chargers will be ready by August 2019. The first depot charging stations capable of 60 and 100 kW will be delivered in February 2019.  The agreement includes also maintenance, commissioning, and after-sales service, as an option. All charging stations will have two years guarantee. 

RATP, gas fueled buses on the way to electricity

On the way to the transition to fossil free vehicles, RATP is buying also CNG buses. Recently, the public transport company signed a framework agreement for 48 Solaris Urbino 18 CNG, with a 20 million euros budget. RATP ordered the first part covering 18 buses. The big player in RATP fleet, with regards to gas fuelled buses, is so far Iveco Bus, that recently won a tender with 150 Urbanway Natural Power.

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