282 zero emission buses today in operation in Belgium, 40% coming from MAN’s factories (but also Van Hool is in good position with 54 units running). And 292 are set to be introduced in 2024 and 2025 based on contract already signed: the main part of these will be covered by Iveco Bus (contract with De Lijn was signed in early 2023) and Daimler Buses (109 E-Way and 92 eCitaro – 70 of those awarded in April 2023 by STIB).

The information have been reported on an extensive article on the latest issue of the Belgian-Dutch Magazine Personenvervoer (web versions of the platform: www.pvmagazine.nl or www.pvmagazine.be) by Geert Van Lierde and Herman Welter starting at pag. 11. At the time of going to press the e-bus overview was the only research in the numbers of e-buses in Belgium (data up to December 12th 2023).

SOURCE: Magazine Personenvervoer

Belgium is on a mission to achieve a sustainable and emission-free public transport system by 2035. While the Netherlands is making substantial progress, with 35% emission-free buses already in operation, Belgium’s public transport companies, STIB (Brussels), De Lijn (Flanders), and Le TEC (Wallonia), still have work to do to catch up, the article states.

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