Transdev discloses 2020 results: revenues -9%. Investments are maintained
Transdev Group has disclosed its 2020 results. Revenues went down 9% compared to 2019 (to € 6.75 billion), with a negative impact on operating profit of € 285 million. Thanks to the savings measures and disposals carried out in 2020, the Group’s net loss was contained at € 109 million, Transdev says. In addition, Transdev […]

Transdev Group has disclosed its 2020 results. Revenues went down 9% compared to 2019 (to € 6.75 billion), with a negative impact on operating profit of € 285 million. Thanks to the savings measures and disposals carried out in 2020, the Group’s net loss was contained at € 109 million, Transdev says. In addition, Transdev reduced its net debt by € 558 million compared to 2019, to € 1.3 billion, while continuing to invest € 721 million (+9% compared to 2019).
By the end of 2021, the fleet of electric buses operated by Transdev is expected to reach around 1,800 vehicles.

Energy and digital transition projects
The spread of the pandemic and the direct impact on its activity led Transdev Group (83,000 employees in 17 countries) to take exceptional measures to limit losses, preserve financial flexibility and ensure its ability to bounce back. Among the measures put in place, a reorganization of the activities most affected by the health crisis; the implementation of cost-savings and cost control plans; an accelerated strategic refocusing with disposals for € 138 million
However, the investment plan has been «maintained at € 721 million, with priority given to energy and digital transition projects».
Thierry Mallet, Chairman and CEO of the Transdev Group, comments: “Transdev’s transformation continued during a difficult year for public transportation operators and local authorities. We have had to adapt and, in this context, Transdev has shown that it benefits from a solid organization and committed employees. This crisis and the associated recovery plans must collectively encourage us to continue and accelerate our energy transition by continuing to develop offers that are a real alternative to the private car for all territories and pursuing the green conversion of our vehicle fleets.”
Transdev results 2020, ridership down due to Covid
Over the period March-December 2020, ridership on public transportation networks operated by Transdev in 17 countries declined overall by around 46%, while the offer was reduced by around 12%, with very different situations.
To face this unprecedented situation in public transportation worldwide, Transdev Group has implemented concrete measures in agreement with health authorities and clients as well as action plans in all its networks around the world in order to manage and operate its networks in exceptional circumstances; ensure a safe operation, particularly in terms of sanitary measures; adapt the offer to new constraints.
Transdev Group has also deployed an emergency plan to limit its losses and to control all its costs even more stringently, while maintaining the necessary investments in favor of its clients and improving service quality.
Energy transition and Transdev 2020 results
Transdev is actively leading the energy transition of its diesel bus fleets toward a fleet made up of a growing mix of biofuel, biogas, battery electric and hydrogen fuel-cell electric vehicles. “These mobility solutions are a real alternative to private cars even in low-density areas – for the Green Deal in Europe – and throughout the world”, the group points out.
At the end of 2020, Transdev was operating 1,200 electric buses worldwide and continued its hydrogen and fuel-cell bus offensive during the year (France, Netherlands, Sweden and New Zealand). Active policies to support and invest in the hydrogen sector (France, Germany) provide incentives to pursue all avenues to achieve zero emissions. By the end of 2021, the fleet of electric buses operated by Transdev is expected to reach around 1,800 vehicles.
Transdev results 2020: commercial development went on
Transdev underlines it has continued its commercial development in all regions.
In France, Transdev achieved several strides with the renewal of major bus contracts in the Greater Paris region, as well as numerous bus contracts in the departments and regions for a total value of € 1.5 billion. The year 2020 was also marked by the launch of the Moovizy digital mobility service in Saint-Etienne, France’s first metropolitan MaaS (Mobility as a Service) offering, which will help guide passengers towards less polluting and more efficient mobility solutions.
2020 results for Transdev: developments in Europe
Internationally, Transdev continued its development with several major high-value contracts. In Germany the group secured a 10-year, € 200 million contract for 105 buses, including 25 electric buses, in Frankfurt am Main, and the commissioning of new electric trains by Alstom in Bavaria and Siemens for the MittelrheinBahn. In the Netherlands, a contract worth €200 million over 10 years was awarded to Transdev in Gooi en Vechtstreek, and an order for 20 Solaris hydrogen-powered electric buses for South Holland has been signed.
What is more, in Sweden a major fleet of alternative drive buses was launched in Gothenburg, with 145 electric buses and 178 running on biofuels. Transldev got also new contracts worth € 1.2 billion in the Stockholm region (buses and trains).
Over 400 e-buses operated by Transdev in Colombia
On the other side of the Atlantic ocean, in the United States: renewal of its historic contract for 330 buses in San Diego (€ 750 million) for 10 years, renewal of its bus operations in Phoenix (€ 700 million) for seven years and in Nassau County (€ 250 million) for two years. In Colombia, Transdev will take manage a € 874 million contract with TransMilenio for the operation and maintenance of 406 electric buses, starting at the end of November 2021, for a period of 15 years.
“During a particularly difficult year for the Group – from a human, operational and financial standpoint – we managed to win more than a billion euros in new contracts worldwide, for urban and rail networks, as well as for the energy transition. This has been made possible thanks to the commitment of all the employees of the Transdev Group” emphasized Thierry Mallet.